Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Life without a phone.

Yes. Today is my Birthday. The day on which I was born was indeed today. Which is cool. Except that I'm writing on this blog. Which means that I did nothing with my day. Simply because... My phone is gone. Yup, this week I don't have my phone. I was intelligent and left my Charger charging at my house. (And charging and charging and charging.) So therefore, no calls or texts on my birthday, or in general. Which is endlessly frustrating let me assure you. Especially when that same week you lose the key to your dorm. Yes... It would seem I'm quite helpless. I don't exactly know what happened... But it did

So the big news is I dyed my hair. Yup. I used a full Woman's Strength bottle of Red (nay, AUBURN) Hair dye, invited a real girl over, and went at it. I figured anything that's Strong enough for a woman should be overwhelming for my short hair. But to be safe we washed in the conditioner, sat me down and dyed it again. This is what I've learned from this experience. Hair dyes suck. I swear, I dyed it twice and nothin! I mean I guess its got a nice warm, inviting redish hue when the sun hits my hair, reflects into a stained glass window and onto a widow's purse, but outside of that isolated incident, nothing!

So I guess I should give a little background on this mishap. I was invited to go to a Girl's Pref dance that was Harry Potter themed. So I thought to myself, who is a good character from Harry Potter? Well I sure as heck wasn't about to go as Harry and have to give up my man card for the decade. So instead I thought, FRED AND GEORGE!

Come on? Seriously? Who would you expect me to be! The only problem was, I had to get red hair, and then convince someone else to dye their hair with me. I failed at both. Brian was willing to spray his hair, but we could only find pink spray, and this:

Is not gonna happen. So I bought actual hair dye, but as I found out, not everyone shares my love for going all out. I was willing to have red hair for a month or two just to have a convincing costume for a Harry Potter dance. Brian was not so willing.

So knowing nothing about hair dying, I thought to myself, "This is one of those things you need female help on." The problem once again lyes in my lacking a phone. The people I know dye their hair weren't an option. Instead I scoured my roommate's phone to find any girl to help me out! LeBron James came through. But it turns out, that girls are not hardwired with the ability to dye hair (or cook as I learned recently... ), hence my still brown hair. She wasn't very comforting either. She kept saying things like, "Oh no" but when I asked would respond something to the effect of, "I don't know what you're talking about... Don't worry about it..." After washing out the second dye attempt, she kinda half smiled at me and started laughing... Fail... So endlessly frustrating... I had to go dressed as George, with a big ol' G on my chest and everything but brown hair. I haven't felt so dumb since failing to kill James with my neighbor's dog.

But, I should be more easy going about this whole mess I guess. After all, I look the same. And more importantly, as the guy in the hot tub said to his girlfriend, "So I shaved my chest the other day.... But now its kinda more like stubble... Then I had Chase shave my back.... It was like a shaving train...." Thank you, wise man..... Thank you. It just reminds me how awkward I'm destined to be after I get home from my mission.

I don't know. Just saw it on Facebook, thought you all might want to see. His name is Kendall Berry by the way. If you all add him and then comment on this picture that would be awesome. Its somewhat upsetting that his hair dye worked...

Finally.... Sterling... I'm after you... You know what I mean...


  1. So I've been thinking....What this blog needs is a little more of an artistic flair. Now I know this is written by a bunch of boys...and Nicole, but maybe you should have some sort of flashy background or something. You can make it manly if you wish. Maybe some race cars.
    Your public

  2. O hey. Look! A COMMENT! Ok... well it doesn't exactly notify me of things like this... That would be, you know, useful. Well lets see... race cars huh? Well... I'll keep that in mind... But I have an even better idea... Appreciate the advice I'll try and put something up as a wallpaper somewhat soon. Probably... probably

  3. However... I think that Kendall's head is pretty artsy
