Friday, March 5, 2010

James is upset

So last night, James posted his first post in a while. It was called something like "My Patriotism" or something to that effect. Upon reading, I decided that this blog already had enough Canada rocks posts, so, I deleted it and replaced his post with "Go America." Now I still find it somewhat amusing but seeing as James is probably still bitter. I returned his post. This time, HE deleted it. As an offering of remorse, I offer: Wallace.

You know you can't stay mad at Wallace! Also, although its going to break my Red, White, and Blue heart..... I'm not going to mess with James' post if he puts it back up. Or write a post about how much better America is.


Q: What's the difference between France and Quebec?
A: Quebec has prettier women and colder beer.

"There is nothing lower than the human race...except for the French." - Mark Twain 1878-79

Q: Why do the French smell so bad?
A: So blind people can hate them too.

Q. How do you confuse a French Soldier?
A. Give him a rifle and ask him to shoot it.

Going to war without the French on your side is like going hunting without an accordion.

Q: Whats the best place to hide your money?
A. under the soap of a frenchman.

Whew... Glad we had that. So worth it. I feel better about it all. So moral. You can love Canada all you want, James, or any other country for that matter, except France. Even Quebec.

Oh yeah. Does anyone even remember who sterlingsilver is? I've seen him under the "Authors" column but I could have sworn that the "Authors" authored things... I could have sworn!

(PS Not all of the jokes above are completely true or fair... Well.... Kinda... I guess I should say that they aren't fair because they kinda are true. Well... Actually... I should say that those jokes do not apply to every single Frenchman. Just most...)

1 comment:

  1. For more of Mark Twain's French fun:
